


I am a full professor and the director of the Turbomachinery Laboratory in Tsinghua University, Member of the Gas Turbine Engines Technical Committee of AIAA, Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Associate Editor of Aerospace Science and Technolog. My research focuses on the fluid mechanics of turbomachinery especially for gas turbine engines and turbocharged internal combustion engines. I have undertaken more than 40 projects as director and have been awarded 19 significant prizes/awards. I have published more than 120 papers and has been granted 27 Chinese/American/Japanese patents.

Address: A339, Li Zhaoji Science and Technology Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 100084.


Education background

2000.09-2006.03, Ph.D. in Power Machinery and Engineering, Beihang University, China.

1996.09-2000.07, B.A. in Power Machinery and Engineering. Northwest Polytechnic University, China.


2018.12-Present, Full Professor / Ph.D Supervisor, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2018.12-Present, Full Professor / Ph.D Supervisor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2016.12-2018.11, Tenured Associate Professor / Ph.D Supervisor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2013.09-2016.11, Associate Professor / Ph.D Supervisor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2010.12-2013.08, Associate Professor / M.S Supervisor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2008.04-2010.11, Assistant Professor / M.S Supervisor, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2006.04-2008.03, Post-doctoral Scholar, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University.

2011.07-2012.07, Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, USA. (Worked with Prof. Alexander J. Smits)

Social service

AIAA Associate Fellow

Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

Associate Editor of Aerospace Science and Technology

Associate Editor of International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems

Courses Taught

<Turbocharging and Turbomachinery> for undergraduate students

<Computational Fluid Mechanics> for graduate students

Graduate Students Supervised

Ph.D. Candidates (7 persons):SUN Zhezhong, ZHANG Meijie, MOOSANIA Mostafa, WEI Jie, ZENG Hanxuan, WANG Junying, LIN Yun.

Master’s Degree Candidates (20 persons):HUENTELER Joern* (German), LIN Yun*, LAN Chuanjie*, JIN Lei*, LIU Anxiong*, MIRZAEE Saeed*, YANG Heli*, DING Chuang*, HOSSEINI Mohammad*, EBRAHIMI Mohsen*, HUANG Qiangqiang*, LEPPMANN Henning* (German), PANNEN David * (German), HE Xiao, LIU Shuang, WANG Aolin, ZHU Dengting, ZHANG Wenchao, ZHOU Wangzhi, NIU Zitian. ( * indicates that the student has graduated from Tsinghua University)

Research Status

I have undertaken more than 40 projects as director from the Chinese government, international companies (IHI), Chinese institutes, and Chinese companies. Recent projects are listed as following:

(1) Study on the stability characteristics of a turbo-shaft engine under overall operating conditions

(2) Optimization of the multistage axial-centrifugal compressors for a turbo-shaft engine

(3) Development of an advanced single-stage centrifugal compressor with pressure ratio 12.0

(4) Development of hybrid power systems for UAVs, aircrafts and vehicles

(5) Development of an advanced turbocharging system for hydrogen/diesel/gasoline internal combustion engines

(6) New design methodology of centrifugal compressor orienting to flow field compatibility

(7) Development of an ultra-high pressure ratio turbocharging system for high-altitude UAVs

(8) Integrated design methodology for turbocharging system

(9) Asymmetrical flow control methods for boosting the stability of compressors

Honors And Awards

(1) National Special Support Program for High-Level Personnel Recruitment, granted by the Chinese Government, 2019.

(2) Leading Talents of Innovative Talents Promotion Plan, granted by the Chinese Government, 2018.

(3) AIAA Associate Fellow, Awarded by American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018.

(4) Outstanding Science and Technology Innovation Award, Awarded by China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association, 2018.

(5) Outstanding Contributing Award, awarded by Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, 2017.

This award is for Chinese citizens who have made outstanding contributions to the internal combustion engine. This award is the highest honor of researchers engaged in internal combustion engine. In China, only 1~2 persons receive this award once a year. I am the youngest winner in the past twenty years.

(6) China Youth Science and Technology Award, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2016.

This award is for young scientists who have made great contributions to the national economy, societal progress and technological innovation. In China, no more than 100 people receive this award every two years.

(7) Excellent Young Teachers Award, awarded by Tsinghua University, 2015.

This award is the top honor for excellent teaching. At Tsinghua University, only 10 teachers receive this award once a year.

(8) Academic Youth Award, awarded by Tsinghua University, 2015.

This award is the top honor for outstanding research. At Tsinghua University, only 10 teachers receive this award once a year. (At Tsinghua University, I was the sole recipient of both the Excellent Young Teachers Award and Academic Youth Award in 2015.)

(9) National Defense Science and Technology Progress Prize, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2015.

This Prize is given to researchers who have made great contributions to fundamental research, key technical research and armament development in national defense.

(10) Shi Shaoxi Talents Award, awarded by Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, 2014.

This award is for Chinese citizens who have made great contributions to the internal combustion engine in the past 10 years. In China, only 1~2 persons receive this award once a year.

(11) National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2013.

This prize is awarded to Chinese citizens who have applied important scientific technological innovation to industry and have created significant economic benefits. This prize is one of the most important prizes in China. XI Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, presented this prize in the Great Hall of the People.

(12) ASME IGTI Best Paper Award, awarded by the ASME Turbo Expo, 2013.

Two or three of the best papers are selected from approximately 250 papers by the turbomachinery committee during the annual ASME Turbo Expo conference. My paper, titled by experimental investigation of high pressure ratio centrifugal compressor with axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric recirculation device, is recognized outstanding contributions to the flow control of centrifugal compressors for turbocharger.

TAMAKI Hideaki*, ZHENG Xinqian, ZHANG Yangjun, “Experimental Investigation of High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor with Axisymmetric and Non-Axisymmetric Recirculation Device,” ASME Paper No. GT2012-68219, 2012.

(13) MAO YiSheng Beijing Youth Award, awarded by the Beijing Government, 2013.

This award is given to Beijing citizens who have made great contributions to Beijing’s economy and social benefits in the past several years. In Beijing, only 15 persons receive this award once a year.

(14) New Century Excellent Talents in University, granted by the Chinese Government, 2013.

This supporting program aims to enhance the construction of a group of young academic leaders in universities, developing a number of innovative research programs, strengthening the inherent innovative ability of universities and improving the academic level and quality of talent training.

(15) National Defense Science and Technology Progress Prize, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2013.

This Prize is given to researchers who have made great contributions to fundamental research, key technical research and armament development in national defense.

(16) SAGE Best Paper Award, awarded by <Journal of Power and Energy>, 2011.

Only one best paper is selected from 92 papers in the Journal of Power and Energy in 2010. My paper, titled by influence of the volute on the flow in a centrifugal compressor of a high-pressure ratio turbocharger, is recognized outstanding contributions to the influence of the volute on the flow in a centrifugal compressor for turbocharger.

ZHENG Xinqian*, HUENTELE Joern, YANG Mingyang, ZHANG Yangjun, BAMBA Takahiro, “Influence of the Volute on the Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor of a High-pressure Ratio Turbocharger,” IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2010, 224 (A8): 1157-1169.

(17) National Defense Technology Invention Prize, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2011.

This prize is given to researchers who have made advanced and innovative achievements in the development of national defense and have created remarkable military, social and economic benefits.

(18) Provincial Science and Technology Progress Prize, awarded by the Shandong Government, 2011.

This prize is awarded to those making great contributions in scientific technology progress activities, especially those who are improving provincial innovative ability and promoting the transformation of economic development patterns.

(19) Fok Ying Tung Education Award, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2010.

This award is for young teachers who have excellent performance in teaching and research work. Only 3 teachers received this award at Tsinghua University in 2010.

(20) National Best Doctoral Thesis Award, awarded by the Chinese Government, 2008.

This award is the top honor for doctoral students. No more than 100 students from approximately 45,000 graduated doctoral students receive this award once a year.

Academic Achievement

More than 120 papers have been published (including accepted papers) by journals/conferences including Progress in Aerospace Sciences, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Applied Thermal Engineering, IMechE journals, and ASME Turbo Expo. I have won SAGE Best Paper Award and ASME IGTI Best Paper Award. Twenty-nine Patents (Four American patents, Five Japanese Patents and twenty Chinese patents) have been granted. Some Papers are listed as follows:

(*indicates corresponding author)

Progress in Aerospace Sciences

[1] ZHENG Xinqian*, LI Zhihui, “Blade-end Treatment to Improve the Performance of Axial Compressors: An Overview,” Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2017, 88: 1–14. (SCI: EI8PY; EI: 20165003110729)

[2] LI Zhihui, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Review of Design Optimization Methods for Turbomachinery Aerodynamics,” Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2017, 93: 1-23. (SCI: FI8QC ; EI: 20172903947521)

ASME Journal of Turbomachinery

[3] ZHENG Xinqian*, SUN Zhenzhong, KAWAKUBO Tomoki, TAMAKI Hideaki, “Stability Improvement of a Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Non-Axisymmetric Vaned Diffuser,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2018, 140 (4): 041007-1~13. (SCI: ; EI:)

[4] ZHENG Xinqian*, HUANG Qiangqiang, LIU Anxiong, “Loss Mechanisms and Flow Control for Improved Efficiency of a Centrifugal Compressor at High Inlet Prewhirl,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2016, 138: 101011-1~11. (SCI: BF1AF; EI: 20162402492753)

[5] ZHENG Xinqian*, Liu Anxiong, “Phenomenon and Mechanism of Two-Regime-Surge in a Centrifugal Compressor,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2015, 137 (8): 081007-1~7. (SCI: CL3FI; EI: 20152901032948)

[6] ZHENG Xinqian*, ZHANG Yangjun, YANG Mingyang, BAMBA Takahiro, TAMAKI Hideaki, “Stability Improvement of High-Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Asymmetric Flow Control——Part II: Non-Axisymmetric Self Recirculation Casing Treatment,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 135 (2): 021007-1~8. (SCI: 094KB; EI: 20124515648947)

[7] YANG Mingyang, ZHENG Xinqian*, ZHANG Yangjun, BAMBA Takahiro, TAMAKI Hideaki, HUENTELER Joern, LI Zhigang, “Stability Improvement of High-Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Asymmetric Flow Control——Part I: Non-Axisymmetric Flow in Centrifugal Compressor,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 135 (2): 021006-1~9. (SCI: 094KB; EI: 20124515648946)

[8] TAMAKI Hideaki*, ZHENG Xinqian, ZHANG Yangjun, “Experimental Investigation of High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor with Axisymmetric and Nonaxisymmetric Recirculation Device,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2013, 135 (3): 031023-1~12. (SCI: 239KD; EI: 20133316600816)

[9] ZHENG Xinqian*, ZHANG Yangjun, XING Weidong, ZHANG Junyue, “Separation Control of Axial Compressor Cascade by Fluidic-Based Excitations,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2011, 133 (4): 041016-1~7. (SCI: 755SH; EI:20111713934397)

[10] ZHENG Xinqian*, ZHOU Sheng, LU Yajun, HOU Anping, LI Qiushi, “Flow Control of Annular Compressor Cascade by Synthetic Jets,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2008, 130 (2): 021018-1~7. (SCI: 279UP; EI: 20083111418141)

[11] ZHENG Xinqian*, ZHOU Xiaobo, ZHOU Sheng, “Investigation on a Type of Flow Control to Weaken Unsteady Separated Flows by Unsteady Excitation in Axial Flow Compressors,” Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2005, 127 (3): 489–496. (SCI: 953KC; EI: 2005359327819)

ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

[12] ZHANG Meijie, ZHENG Xinqian*, HUANG Qiangqiang, SUN Zhenzhong, “A Novel 1D-3D Coupled Method to Predict Surge Boundary of Centrifugal Compressors,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Accepted. (SCI:;EI:)

[13] SHU Mengying, YANG Mingyang*, DENG Kangyao, ZHENG Xinqian, MARTINEZ-BOTAS Ricardo, “Performance Analysis of a Centrifugal Compressor Based on Circumferential Flow Distortion Induced by Volute,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2018, 140: 122603-1~11. (SCI:;EI:)

AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power

[14] ZHENG Xinqian*, YANG Heli, “End-Wall Boundary Layers and Blockages of Multistage Axial Compressors Under Different Conditions,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2017, 33 (4): 908-916. (SCI: EY9UP; EI: 20172603859149)

[15] HUANG Qiangqiang, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Potential of Variable Geometry Method on Compressor Range Extension for Turbocharged Engines,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2017, 33 (5): 1197-1206. (SCI: FE6JA, EI:20173504098403)

[16] HE Xiao, ZHENG Xinqian*, “The Mechanisms of Lean on the Performance of Transonic Centrifugal Compressor Impellers,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016, 32 (5): 1220-1229. (SCI: DW2MH; EI: 20163502763102)

[17] YANG Mingyang*, MARTINEZ-BOTAS Ricardo, ZHANG Yangjun, ZHENG Xinqian, “Effect of Self-Recirculation-Casing Treatment on High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2016, 32 (3): 602-610. (SCI: DM9GH; EI: 20162102420993)

[18] ZHENG Xinqian*, LIU Anxiong, “Experimental Investigation of Surge and Stall in a High-Speed Centrifugal Compressor,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2015, 31 (3): 815-825. (SCI: CQ8ES; EI: 20152000847455)

Aerospace Science and Technology

[19] HE Xiao, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Roles and Mechanisms of Casing Treatment on Different Scales of Flow Instability in Centrifugal Compressors,” Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84: 734-746. (SCI:;EI:)

[20] SUN Zhenzhong, ZOU Wangzhi, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Instability Detection of Centrifugal Compressors by Means of Acoustic Measurements” Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 82-83: 628-635. (SCI:;EI:)

Applied Energy

[21] ZHU Dengting, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Fuel Consumption and Emission Characteristics in Asymmetric Twin-Scroll Turbocharged Diesel Engine with Two Exhaust Gas Recirculation Circuits, Applied Energy, Accepted. (SCI: ; EI:)

[22] ZHU Dengting, ZHENG Xinqian*, “A New Asymmetric Twin-Scroll Turbine with Two Wastegates for Energy Improvements in Diesel Engines,” Applied Energy, 2018, 223: 263–272. (SCI: GH7RA; EI: 20181805131813)


[23] ZHU Dengting, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Asymmetric Twin-Scroll Turbocharging in Diesel Engines for Energy and Emission Improvement,” Energy, 2017, 141: 702-714. (SCI: FX8IM; EI: 20174104243415)

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science

[24] ZHANG Meijie, ZHENG Xinqian*, SUN Zhenzhong, “Experimental Investigation of the Flow Instability of a Compression System with an Upstream Plenum,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 102: 406-420. (SCI:;EI:)

[25] HE Xiao, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Flow Instability Evolution in High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor with Vaned Diffuser,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018, 98, 719-730. (SCI: GQ6SL ; EI: 20183005584577)

[26] ZHENG Xinqian*, SUN Zhenzhong, KAWAKUBO Tomoki, TAMAKI Hideak, “Experimental Investigation of Surge and Stall in a Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor with a Vaned Diffuser,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 82: 493-506. (SCI: EI8PI; EI: 20165203194855)

[27] LIU Anxiong, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Methods of Surge Point Judgment for Compressor Experiments”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 51: 204-213. (SCI: 249HH; EI: 20134016808435)

Applied Thermal Engineering

[28] SUN Zhenzhong, ZHENG Xinqian*, KAWAKUBO Tomoki, “Experimental Investigation of Instability Inducement and Mechanism of Centrifugal Compressors with Vaned Diffuser,” Applied thermal Engineering, 2018, 133: 464-471. (SCI: ; EI:20180604768787)

[29] ZHANG Meijie, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Criteria for the Matching of Inlet and Outlet Distortions in Centrifugal Compressors,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 131: 933–946. (SCI:FU9JZ ; EI: 20175304592092)

[30] MOSTAFA Moosania, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Effect of Internal Heat leakage on the Performance of a High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor,” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 111: 317-324. (SCI:EH6PU;EI:20163902856012)

IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy

[31] ZHU Dengting, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Strategy on Performance Improvement of Inverse Brayton Cycle System for Energy Recovery in Turbocharged Diesel Engines,” IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2019, Accept.

[32] ZHENG Xinqian*, JIN Lei, TAMAKI Hideaki, “Influence of Volute-Induced Distortion on the Performance of a High-pressure-ratio Centrifugal Compressor with a Vaneless Diffuser for Turbocharger Applications,” IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2014, 228 (4): 440-450. (SCI:AG8GH; EI: 20141917699337)

[33] YANG Dong, ZHENG Xinqian, LI Qiushi*, “An 11-Stage Axial Compressor Performance Simulation Considering the Change of Tip Clearance in Different Operating Conditions,” IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2014, 228 (6): 614-625. (SCI: AM8YT; EI: 20143118009029)

[34] ZHENG Xinqian*, HUENTELE Joern, YANG Mingyang, ZHANG Yangjun, BAMBA Takahiro, “Influence of the Volute on the Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor of a High-pressure Ratio Turbocharger,” IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2010, 224 (A8): 1157-1169. (SCI:689PP; EI: 20112013991521; SAGE Best Paper Award)

IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering

[35] WANG Aolin, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Design Criterion for Asymmetric Twin-Entry Radial Turbine for Efficiency under Steady and Pulsating Inlet Conditions,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2018, Online, DOI: 10.1177/0954407018757926. (SCI: ; EI:)

[36] SUN Zhenzhong, ZHENG Xinqian*, LINGHU Zelin, KAWAKUBO Tomoki, TAMAKI Hideaki, WANG Baotong, “Influence of Volute Design on Flow Field Distortion and Flow Stability of Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressors,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2018, Online, DOI: 10.1177/0954407017746281. (SCI: ; EI:)

[37] ZHENG Xinqian*, LIU Anxiong, SUN Zhenzhong, “Investigation of the Instability Mechanisms in a Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor with a Vaneless Diffuser by Means of Unsteady Simulations,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2017, 231 (11): 1558-1567. (SCI: FF1CX; EI: 20173604117864)

[38] HUANG Qiangqiang, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Potential of Variable Diffuser Vanes For Extending the Operating Range of Compressors and for Improving the Torque Performance of Turbocharged Engines,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2017, 231 (4): 555-566. (SCI: EP2KK; EI: 20171003422011)

[39] MIRZAEE Saeed, ZHENG Xinqian*, LIN Yun, “Improvement in the Stability of a Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Tip Leakage Control,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2017, 231 (5): 700-714. (SCI: ES7CQ; EI: 20171903643577)

[40] ZHENG Xinqian*, HUANG Qiangqiang, “Potential of the Range Extension of Compressors with a Variable inlet Prewhirl for Automotive Turbocharged Engines with an Ultra-High-Power Density,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2015, 229 (14): 1959-1968. (SCI: CW7IX; EI: 20154801604013)

[41] ZHENG Xinqian*, LAN Chuanjie, “Improvement in the Performance of a High-Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor by Blade Bowing and Self-recirculation Casing Treatment,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2014, 228 (1): 73-84. (SCI:293HK; EI: 20140517259632)

[42] ZHUGE Weilin, ZHANG Yangjun*, ZHENG Xinqian, YANG Mingyang, HE Yongshen, “Development of an Advanced Turbocharger Simulation Method for Cycle Simulation of Turbocharged Internal Combustion Engines,” IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2009, 223 (5): 661-672. (SCI: 449VQ; EI: 20092212102920)

IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering

[43] ZOU Wangzhi, ZHANG Wenchao, NIU Zitian, ZHENG Xinqian, “Roles of Vanes in Diffuser on Stability of Centrifugal Compressor,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2019, Accept.

[44] YANG Heli, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Investigation of Endwall Treatment and Shock Control in a Five-Stage Axial Compressor,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018, Online, DOI: 10.1177/0954410017734884. (SCI: ; EI:)

[45] ZHENG Xinqian*, LIN Yun, SUN Zhenzhong, “Effects of Volute’s Asymmetry on the Performance of a Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018, Online, DOI: 10.1177/0954410016670418. (SCI; EI)

[46] HE Xiao, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Performance Improvement of Transonic Centrifugal Compressors by Optimization of Complex Three-Dimensional Features,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 231 (14): 2723-2738. (SCI: FM7MQ; EI: 20174704434331)

[47] ZHENG Xinqian*, DING Chuang, ZHANG Yangjun, “Influence of Different Loads on the Stresses of Multistage Axial Compressor Rotors,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2017, 231 (5): 787-798. (SCI: ES4HI; EI: 20171903643373)

[48] MOSTAFA Moosania, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Performance Improvement of a High Pressure Ratio Centrifugal Compressor by Integrated Cooling,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, 230 (12): 2233–2240. (SCI: DV5LV; EI: 20163702804198)

[49] LI Zhihui, ZHENG Xinqian, LIU Yangming*, LI Qiushi, JI Baohua, “The Effect of End Wall Boundary Layer on Matching and Corresponding Flow Control Technique for Multistage Axial Compressor,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2016, 230 (12): 2179–2194. (SCI: DV5LV; EI: 20163702804194)

[50] LU Hanan, ZHENG Xinqian, LI Qiushi*, “A Combinatorial Optimization Design Method Applied to S-Shaped Compressor Transition Duct Design,” IMechE Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 228 (10): 1749-1758. (SCI: AM8NB; EI: 20142917956491)

Sci China

[51] LINGHU Zelin, ZHAO Chenjia, YANG Heng, ZHENG Xinqian*, “Beetle Wing Folding Facilitated by Micro-Protrusions on the Body Surface: a Case of Allomyrina Dichotoma,” Science Bulletin, 2015, 60 (16): 1457-1460. (SCI: CQ4CC; EI: )

[52] ZHENG Xinqian*, LAN ChuanJie, “Effects of Blade Bowing on the Performance of a High Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor with Self-recirculation Casing Treatment,” Sci China Ser E-Tech Sci, 2013, 56 (10): 2531-2539. (SCI: 227PL; EI: 20134216867928)

[53] ZHENG Xinqian*, LIN Yun, GAN Binlin, ZHUGE Weilin, ZHANG Yangjun, “Effects of Reynolds Number on the Performance of a High Pressure-Ratio Turbocharger Compressor,” Sci China Ser E-Tech Sci, 2013, 56 (6): 1361-1369. (SCI: 168WR; EI: 20132816483688)

[54] ZHENG Xinqian*, JIN Lei, TAMAKI Hideaki, “Influence of Volute Distortion on the Performance of Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor with Vane Diffuser”, Sci China Ser E-Tech Sci, 2013, 56 (11): 2778-27869. (SCI: 245JL; EI: 20134817033077)

[55] LIN Yun, ZHENG Xinqian*, JIN Lei, TAMAKI Hideaki, KAWAKUBO Tomoki, “A Novel Experimental Method to Evaluate the Impact of the Volute’S Asymmetry on the Performance of a High Pressure Ratio Turbocharger Compressor,” Sci China Ser E-Tech Sci, 2012, 55 (6): 1695-1700. (SCI: 943KV; EI: 20122615154776)

[56] ZHENG Xinqian*, ZHANG Yangjun, YANG Mingyang, “Research and Development on Transonic Compressor of High Pressure Ratio Turbocharger for Vehicle Internal Combustion Engines,” Sci China Ser E-Tech Sci, 2010, 53 (7): 1817-1823. (SCI: 621SZ; EI: 20103313151379)