
Tel:+86-10-62797215 (O)



Prof. Wei-Xi Huang's current research focus is on numerical study of turbulent flows over complex boundaries and development of novel schemes for turbulent drag reduction for applications in aerospace and marine engineering. He is also interested in computational biofluid mechanics. He has been developing computational methods for fluid-flexible body interactions, with the goal of simulating and obtaining physical insight into problems from biomechanics, e.g. 2D and 3D flag-in-wind problems, flying and swimming mechanisms, etc.

Education Background

• B.S., Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2001.07

• M.S., Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2004.01

• Ph.D., Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 2009.01


• Postdoctor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, 2009.02~2010.01

• Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2010.01 ~ 2012.12

• Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2012.12 ~ 2018.06

• Visiting Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2015.03 ~ 2015.08

• Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2018.06 ~ 2021.12

• Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, 2021.12 ~ present


• Fluid Mechanics, for undergraduates, Spring semester, 2020 ~ present

• Viscous Fluid Flow, for undergraduates, fall semester, 2012 ~ present

• Freshman Orientation Course, for undergraduates, fall semester, 2020 ~ present

• Introduction to Turbulence, for postgraduates, fall semester, 2011 ~ present

• Theory and Modeling of Flow-Solid-Thermal Interactions, for postgraduates, spring semester, 2019 ~ present

Concurrent Academic

• International journal editorial service

Associate Editor:

AIP Advances (2020.4 ~ present)

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (2019.10 ~ present)

Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2019.8 ~ present)

Editorial Board:

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow (2020.7 ~ present)

Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters (2020.7 ~ present)

Journal of Hydrodynamics (2019.1 ~ present)

Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (2016.12 ~ 2019.8)

Guest Editor:

Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

(Special Section: Hydrodynamics of Marine Propulsion, 2019)

Acta Mechnica Sinica

(Special Issue: Fluid-Structure Interactions with Applications to Biology, 2016)

• International conference advisory/scientific/organizing committee

Twelfth International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP12), Osaka, Japan, July 19-22, 2022 (Advisory Committee)

• Committee of professional association/society

Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Committee Member of Turbulence and Flow Stability, 2020.9 ~ present

Beijing Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vice Director of Professional Committee on Fluid Mechanics, Council Member, 2017.10 ~ present

Chinese Society of Aerodynamics, Committee Member of Low-speed, Transonic and Supersonic Flows, 2017.1 ~ present

• Reviewer for more than 40 SCI journals

Areas of Research Interests

• Numerical methods for flows over complex boundaries: Immersed boundary method, Eulerian grid method, free-surface approaches

• Physics, modelling and control of turbulent flows over complex boundaries: Wavy/rough-wall turbulence, turbulence-water wave interaction, multiscale energy transfer, Scaling law of complex-boundary turbulence, Control for drag reduction, Direct numerical simulation, Large eddy simulation, Wall-layer model

• Biomimetic flows: Flying and swimming, Fluid-flexible body interaction, vortex interaction

• Hydrodynamics of marine propulsion

Honors and Awards

• Excellent graduate of Tsinghua university, second award (top 10% among all graduates), 2001.7

• Best Paper Award from Korea Society of Computational Fluids Engineering, 2007.10

• Outstanding Research Award for Brain Korea 21, 2008.2

• China National Science Funds for Excellent Young Scientists, 2013.8

• Yangtze River Scholar Award for Young Scholars, 2017.03

• Acta Mechanica Sinica Best Paper Award (total three papers each year), 2017.12

• Outstanding Scientific Papers of the Third China Association for Science and Technology, 2018.10

• Teaching achievements of Tsinghua University, second prize, 2021.8

Academic Achievement

Related link:

• Numerical method for flows over complex boundaries:

M. Ma, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X. Cui, A hybrid immersed boundary/wall-model approach for large-eddy simulation of high-Reynolds-number turbulent flows, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 88: 108769, 2021

L.-H. Wang, C.-M. Xie, W.-X. Huang*, A monolithic projection framework for constrained FSI problems with the immersed boundary method, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 371: 113332, 2020

W.-X. Huang, F.-B. Tian, Recent trends and progresses in the immersed boundary method, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(23-24): 7617-7636, 2019

M. Ma, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, A dynamic wall model for large eddy simulation of turbulent flow over complex/moving boundaries based on the immersed boundary method, Physics of Fluids, 31: 115101, 2019 (Editor's Pick)

W.-X. Huang, F.-B. Tian, Recent trends and progresses in the immersed boundary method, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, in press, 2019

W.-X. Huang*, W. Guo, An improved penalty immersed boundary method for multiphase flow simulation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 88: 447-462, 2018 (Cover Image)

R.-Y. Li, C.-M. Xie, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, An efficient immersed boundary projection method for flow over complex/moving boundaries, Computers & Fluids, 140: 122-135, 2016

C. Yan, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, C.-X. Xu, Z.-S. Zhang, A Ghost Cell Immersed Boundary Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Flows in Complex Geometries, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 29: 12-25, 2015

W.-X. Huang, C.B. Chang and H.J. Sung, Three-dimensional simulation of elastic capsules in shear flow by the penalty immersed boundary method, Journal of Computational Physics, 231: 3340-3364, 2012

W.-X. Huang, C.B. Chang and H.J. Sung, "An Improved Penalty Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Flexible Body Interaction", Journal of Computational Physics, 230: 5061-5079, 2011

W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "An Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Flexible Structure Interaction," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198: 2650-2661, 2009

S.J. Shin, W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Assessment of regularized delta functions and feedback forcing schemes for an immersed boundary method," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 58: 263-286, 2008

W.-X. Huang, S.J. Shin and H.J. Sung, "Simulation of Flexible Filaments in a Uniform Flow by the Immersed Boundary Method," Journal of Computational Physics, 226: 2206-2228, 2007

W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Improvement of Mass Source/Sink for an Immersed Boundary Method," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 53: 1659-1671, 2007

• Physics, modelling and control of wall-bounded turbulence:

H.-N. Wang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Synthetic near-wall small-scale turbulence and its application in wall-modelled large-eddy simulation, Physics of Fluids, 33: 095102, 2021 (Featured Article)

H.-N. Wang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Off-wall boundary conditions for large-eddy simulation based on near-wall turbulence prediction, Physics of Fluids, 33: 045125, 2021 (Editor's Pick)

B.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, A near-wall predictive model for passive scalars using minimal flow unit, Physics of Fluids, 33: 045119, 2021 (Featured Article)

H.-N. Wang, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Space-time characteristics of turbulence in minimal flow units, Physics of Fluids, 32: 125103, 2020 (Editor's Pick)

B.-Z. Han, W.-X. Huang*, Active control for drag reduction of turbulent channel flow based on convolutional neural networks, Physics of Fluids, 32: 095108, 2020

Y. Song, C. Xu, W. Huang, Linear optimal control of transient growth in turbulent channel flows, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(4):729–739, 2019

M.-X. Zhao, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flow along a Cylinder by Circumferential Oscillating Lorentz Force, Physics of Fluids, 31: 095104, 2019

M. Yu, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Data-Driven Construction of a Reduced Order Model for Supersonic Boundary Layer Transition, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 874: 1096-1114, 2019

M.-X. Zhao, W.-X. Huang, C.-X. Xu, Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flows along a Cylinder by Streamwise-Travelling Waves of Circumferential Wall Velocity, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 862: 75-98, 2019

G. Yin, W. X. Huang, C. X. Xu, Prediction of near-wall turbulence using minimal flow unit, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 841: 654-673, 2018

W.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X. Cui, Suboptimal Control of Wall Turbulence with Arrayed Dimple Actuators for Drag Reduction, Journal of Turbulence, 17(4): 379-399, 2016

Q.-J. Xia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X Cui, Direct numerical simulation of spatially developing turbulent boundary layers with opposition control, Fluid Dynamics Research, 47: 025503, 2015

Y.-J. Dai, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, G.-X. Cui, Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a rotating square duct, Physics of Fluids, 27: 065104, 2015

Yinshan Wang, Weixi Huang, Chunxiao Xu, On hairpin vortex generation from near-wall streamwise vortices, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 31(2): 139-152, 2015

B.-Q. Deng, C.-X. Xu, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Strengthened opposition control for skin-friction reduction in wall-bounded turbulent flows, Journal of Turbulence, 15(2): 122-143, 2014

B.Q. Deng, C.X. Xu, W.X. Huang, G.X. Cui, Effect of active control on optimal structures in wall turbulence, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(2), 290-297, 2013

M.-W. Ge, C.-X. Xu, W.-X. Huang, G.-X. Cui, Transient Response of Enstrophy Transport to Opposition Control in Turbulent Channel Flow, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 34(2), 127-138, 2013

C.-X. Xu and W.-X. Huang, Transient Response of Reynolds Stress Transport to Spanwise Wall Oscillation in a Turbulent Channel Flow, Physics of Fluids, 17: 018101, 2005

• Turbulent flows over complex boundaries:

L.-H. Wang, G.-Z. Ma, C.-X. Xu, H. J. Sung, W.-X. Huang*, Wall-attached structures over a traveling wavy boundary: Scalar transport, Physics of Fluids, 33: 105115, 2021 (Editor's Pick)

L.-H. Wang, C.-X. Xu, H. J. Sung, W.-X. Huang*, Wall-attached structures over a traveling wavy boundary: Turbulent velocity fluctuations, Physical Review Fluids, 6: 034611, 2021

B.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang, Chun-Xiao Xu, Rough-wall turbulence in a minimal flow unit, Physics of Fluids, 32: 115120, 2020 (Editor's Pick)

G.-Z. Ma, C.-X. Xu, H. J. Sung, W.-X. Huang*, Scaling of rough-wall turbulence by the roughness height and steepness, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 900: R7, 2020

L.-H. Wang, W.-Y. Zhang, X. Hao, W.-X. Huang*, L. Shen, C.-X. Xu, Z. Zhang, Surface wave effects on energy transfer in overlying turbulent flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 893: A21, 2020

W.-Y. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Very large-scale motions in turbulent flows over streamwise travelling wavy boundaries, Physical Review Fluids, 4: 054601, 2019

L.-H. Wang, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, L. Shen, Z.-S. Zhang, Relationship between wall shear stresses and streamwise vortices in turbulent flow over wavy boundary, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 40(3): 381-396, 2019

Q.-J. Xia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer over an Anisotropic Compliant Wall, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 35(2): 384-400, 2019

Q.-J. Xia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Compliant Wall, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 71: 126-142, 2017

C. Yan, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Z.-S. Zhang, Large eddy simulation of flow over a vegetation-like canopy modeled as arrays of bluff elements, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 165: 233-249, 2017

C. Yan, H. M. Nepf, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Large eddy simulation of flow and scalar transport in a vegetated channel, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 17: 497-519, 2017

Z.-X. Hu, J. Huang, W.-X. Huang*, G.-X. Cui, Second-order curved interface treatments of the lattice Boltzmann method for convection-diffusion equations with conjugate interfacial conditions, Computers and Fluids, 144: 60-73, 2017

Y.S. Liu, G.X. Cui, Z.S. Wang, W.X. Huang, C.X. Xu, Z.S. Zhang, A composite model for complex building street configuration in a large eddy simulation of local urban atmospheric environment, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54(4): 716-723, 2011

W.-X. Huang, S.-H. Lee, H.J. Sung, T.-M. Lee and D.-S. Kim, "Simulation of Liquid Transfer between Separating Walls for Modeling Micro-gravure- offset Printing," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 29: 1436-1446, 2008

W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder near a Moving Wall," Journal of Fluids and Structures, 23: 1064-1076, 2007

• Biomimetic flows:

J.-D. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, Numerical model and hydrodynamic performance of tuna finlets, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 12: 100322, 2022

D. Zhang, Q. Huang*, G. Pan, L. Yang, W.-X. Huang*, Vortex dynamics and hydrodynamic performance enhancement mechanism in batoid fish oscillatory swimming, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 930: A28, 2022

E. Lau, W.-X. Huang*, Variations of flight patterns for falling flexible plates, Physics of Fluids, 33: 081904, 2021

J. Yang, Y. Chen, J.-D. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, H. J. Sung*, A self-propelled flexible plate with a keel-like structure, Physics of Fluids, 33: 031902, 2021

J.-D Zhang, H. J. Sung, W.-X Huang*, Specialization of Tuna: A Numerical Study on the Function of Caudal Keels, Physics of Fluids, 32: 111902, 2020 (Editor's Pick)

J. Qiu, W. Huang, C. Xu, L. Zhao, Swimming strategy of settling elongated micro-swimmers by reinforcement learning, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 63(8): 284711, 2020

K. Jia, L. Fang, W.-X. Huang*, Coupled States of Dual Side-by-side Inverted Flags in a Uniform Flow, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 91: 102768, 2019

J.-D. Zhang, W.-X. Huang*, On the Role of Vortical Structures in Aerodynamic Performance of a Hovering Mosquito, Physics of Fluids, 31: 051906, 2019

J. Ryu, S.G. Park, W.-X. Huang, H. J. Sung, Hydrodynamics of a three-dimensional self-propelled flexible plate, Physics of Fluids, 31: 021902, 2019 (Editor's Pick)

R.-Y. Li, Z.-W. Cui, W.-X. Huang*, L.-H. Zhao, C.-X. Xu, On Rotational Dynamics of a Finite-sized Ellipsoidal Particle in Shear Flows, Acta Mechanica, 230: 449-467, 2019

E. M. Lau, J.-D. Zhang, Y.-X. Jia, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Vortical structures in the wake of falling plates Journal of Visualization, Journal of Visualization, 22:15-24, 2019

E. Lau, W.-X. Huang*, C.-X. Xu, Progression of heavy plates from stable falling to tumbling flight, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 850: 1009-1031, 2018

E. Uddin, W.-X. Huang*, H.J. Sung*,  Actively Flapping Tandem Flexible Flags in a Viscous Flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 780: 120-142, 2015

C.-M. Xie, W.-X. Huang*, Vortex interactions between forewing and hindwing of dragonfly in hovering flight, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, 5: 24-29, 2015

J.H. Lee, W.-X. Huang* and H.J. Sung*, Flapping Dynamics of a Flexible Flag in a Uniform Flow, Fluid Dynamics Research, 46: 055517, 2014

S.G. Park, C.B. Chang, W.-X. Huang, H.J. Sung, Simulation of Swimming Oblate Jellyfish with a Paddling Based Locomotion, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 748: 731-755, 2014

E. Uddin, W.-X. Huang, H.J. Sung, Interaction Modes of Multiple Flexible Flags in a Uniform Flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 729: 563-583, 2013

C.B. Chang, W.-X. Huang, H.J. Sung, Lateral Migration of an Elastic Capsule by Optical Force in a Uniform Flow, Physical Review E, 86: 066306, 2012

C.B. Chang, W.-X. Huang, K.H. Lee and H.J. Sung, Optical Levitation of a Non-Spherical Particle in a Loosely Focused Gaussian Beam, Optics Express, 20(21): 24068-24084, 2012

B.Y. Kim, W.-X. Huang, S.J. Shin, and H.J. Sung, Flexible Ring Flapping in a Uniform Flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 707: 129-149, 2012

Hao-Tian Gao, Feng-Hua Qin, Wei-Xi Huang, De-Jun Sun, Multiple Modes of Filament Flapping in a Uniform Flow, Chinese Physics Letters, 29(9): 094702, 2012

F.-H. Qin, W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, Simulation of Small Swimmer Motions Driven by Tail/Flagellum Beating, Computers & Fluids, 55: 109-117, 2012

W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, "Three-Dimensional Simulation of a Flapping Flag in a Uniform Flow," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 653: 301-336, 2010

S. Kim, W.-X. Huang and H.J. Sung, “Constructive and Destructive Interaction Modes between Two Tandem Flexible Flags in Viscous Flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 661: 511-521, 2010

• Hydrodynamics of marine propulsion:

J.-W. Jiang, Z.-Y. Xiong, W. Rui, Y.-H. Chen, J.-R. Liu, W.-X. Huang*, An improved spectral method and experimental tests for the low-frequency broadband noise of marine propellers, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, in press

J.-W. Jiang, W.-Q. Wang, K. Chen, W.-X. Huang*, Large-Eddy Simulation of Three-Dimensional Aerofoil Tip-Gap Flow, Ocean Engineering, 243: 110315, 2022

C. Xie, J. Liu, J.-W. Jiang, W.-X. Huang*, Numerical study on wetted and cavitating tip-vortical flows around an elliptical hydrofoil: interplay of cavitation, vortices and turbulence, Physics of Fluids, 33: 093316, 2021

J.-W. Jiang, Y. Yang, T.-W. Ren, F. Wang, W.-X. Huang*, Data-driven evolutionary optimisation for the reduction of the low-frequency discrete-spectrum force of marine propeller noise, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(1): 18, 2021

J.-W. Jiang, J.-T. Qi, H.-P. Cai, K. Chen, W.-X. Huang*, Prediction and optimisation of low-frequency discrete- and broadband-spectrum marine propeller forces, Applied Ocean Research, 98: 102114, 2020

S. J. Kim, W.-X. Huang, H. J. Sung, The reduction of noise induced by flow over an open cavity, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 82: 108560, 2020

W.-X. Huang*, Y. Chen, S. Lee, Y. L. Young, M. Abdel-Maksoud, Hydrodynamics of marine propulsion, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(18): 6291-6292, 2019

J.-W. Jiang, W.-X. Huang*, Hydrodynamic design of an advanced submerged propulsion, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.-Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233(18): 6367-6382, 2019